Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Getting Good OUt OF liFE"or may be"

i was sitting on my desk to day ..and was thinking to do some of my work..
But ,"thankz TO BUSh" and his economy ..no one here is in mood to do work.xcept me.
OHH THE MArKEt CRUMBLED like a palace of COOKIES :) and they stoped working ..
GR8 for me.and thus i got chance to post my first post..as i went to have some break fast to a near by "dhaba" a small indianized hotel..i found a man who "cant talk & cant hear" ..got some heat due to this crumbling of share MArket..HE dosnt hav any share nor do he knos"wat is share" still he has to work hard coz thers no work i suppose or may be a public holiday of work for the so called preveleged working class hero...with a dull air of sadness and chai and cigarette..and he was serving a lot..even he was confused wats happening ..and sad for him(working more then wat he xpect withot any appraisal :))He must be cursing the govt. of india..and the so called globalization of our country...so wenevr america sneezes india gets a cold and "THIS MAN is ultimately grilled.."... :(